Due to large scale of Waste Management Processes, it is cumbersome and tedious to keep track of total weight of Waste disposed by Vehicles manually as well as includes discrepancies when it comes to accuracy and reliability. Due to large scale of Waste Management Processes, it is cumbersome and tedious to keep track of total weight of Waste disposed by Vehicles manually as well as includes discrepancies when it comes to accuracy and reliability.
Waste Management (RFID Waste Management System) Most consumers and businesses don’t think about what becomes of waste after they dispose of it, but those responsible for waste handling have a huge stake in knowing, and managing information about what they collect, how much they collect, where it comes from and where it goes. In many cases, tracking waste is a slow, costly and labor intensive process. Modern radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is enabling a change, and no one is more committed to continuing to develop and deliver the necessary solutions than Daphne Systems. Daphne Systems has long been the world leader in the development of secure contact less technology. For waste management, the company offers a range of transponders suitable for a broad range of operations— residential and commercial bins, medical waste containers, skips, bottle banks, and more— Optimizing efficiency, economy and traceability in waste management. along with reader cores, support services and years of experience in secure contact less implementation. Our innovative products are compliant with all relevant standards and are fully interoperable with other standardized components and systems. Our goal is to simplify the operator’s tasks, provide increased transparency of operations, and to maximize return on the operator’s investment.
Components of our Waste Management Solution are:
- Tagged Vehicle.
- RFID Reader Installed at Transfer Station
- Transfer Station Desktop Application Installed at Workstation at
- Transfer Station (with RFID Local Database in MS-Access).

Product Brochure
- Main Server (with Central Database in MySQL).
- Browser based Server Application (accessible over internet from anywhere).
- Automatically record weight, incoming and outgoing time of Vehicles.
- Allow authorized Vehicles only.
- Automated process to transfer daily data to a Central location connected to the Internet.
- Fault Tolerant System.
- Automated process to apply data coming from transfer station to centralized server.
- Traceability of data.
- Reports will be generated from collected data from Transfer Station.
- Reports will be based on data collected using vehicle ID.