Schools are generally considered to be a store house of education, where free flow of information to different department is prerequisite. An ideal situation in school is one where information is disseminated to all as needed. This leads to continuous improvement and better infrastructure as a whole. Keeping in view this requirement we have developed automated software EPMS designed specifically for your school/collage administration ensuring faster returns on deployment. EPMS assist students with challenging standards, teachers target instructions, parents knowing how teachers are helping their children, performance of child over all school come to know how to better allocate their resources effectively and efficiently.

Product Brochure
Advantage for school/college:
- Management information system
- Decision support system
- Enhancing security through smart card
- Hassle free IN & OUT monitoring system
- Common platform for student, parents, teachers and
- Mobile SMS Service
- Download facility for parents, teachers and management
- Portal and promotion
- Simple and easy to implement and maintenance free
- Secure shared and personalized web based service
Advantages for Parents:
- Direct communication with principal, teachers
- Performance Monitoring
- Ward’s time table
- Attendance Day Wise
- Fee Summary
- Pending fee list
- View ward’s library transactions